Foredrag: Simone de Beauvior og «Det annet kjønn»

Rakk du ikke lese de 826 sidene av «Det annet kjønn» før forestillingen «Notes on Frailty» av Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt? Det kan skje den beste. Nå kan du komme før forestillingen 19. oktober og få hovedpoengene fortalt av Norges fremste Beauvoir-ekspert!

Foto Tale Hendnes

Tove Pettersen er professor i filosofi ved Institutt for filosofi, ide- og kunsthistorie og klassiske språk ved Universitetet i Oslo. Hun er spesialisert i feministisk filosofi, etikk, er president i The International Simone de Beauvoir Society og har bred interesse i politisk, eksistensiell og postmodernistisk filosofi. Fredag 19. oktober innleder hun om den franske feministiske filosofen Simone de Beauvoir og hennes i ettertid mest kjente verk «Det annet kjønn». Foredraget holdes i forbindelse med forestillingen «Notes on Frailty» av Ingun Bjørnsgaard, hvor boken har vært bakgrunn for det koreografiske og tematiske arbeidet. Foredraget foregår i Dansens Hus Foajé fra 17.30-18.15, med påfølgende premiere på forestillingen kl 19.00. Foredraget er gratis og passer for alle!

Dansens Hus Foajé
19. oktober

Tove Pettersen (1962) is Professor of Philosophy at Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway.

Pettersen is currently the President of The International Simone de Beauvoir Society (a non-profit, MLA affilated organization) as well as the Chair of the Boards of Directors of The International Simone de Beauvoir Society. She is a member of both the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board of Simone de Beauvoir Studies, and a member of the Academic Board of the Erasmus+ project Gender and Philosophy: Developing learning and teaching practices to include underrepresented groups (GAP). Pettersen is also a member of the Nordic Network for Women in Philosophy (NNWP), and The Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).

Pettersen specializes in Feminist Philosophy and Feminist Ethics, especially in the Ethics of Care and the Existential Ethics of Simone de Beauvoir. In 2012, she received the Norwegian award Paa-Kanten prisen for her work in feminist philosophy. She has published books and several articles within her field, both in English and Norwegian. Her articles have been translated into French and Italian. Although Pettersen works primarily in Feminist Philosophy, Feminist Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Feminist History of Philosophy and related areas such as Ontology, Epistemology, she is also interested in Political Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existential Philosophy and Postmodern Philosophy.

Pettersen received her Doctor Artium (equivalent to PhD) in philosophy at UiO in 2004 with a dissertation on the Ethics of Care. She completed her Candidatus Philologiae (equivalent to MA) in the History of Ideas on Postmodern Philosophy, and has also studied Economics and holds a Candidata Magisterii (equivalent BA) in Political Science. In 2004-2006 she was granted a Postdoctoral Fellowship in order to work on Beauvoir’s ethics, and she was also the Director of Research at the Ethics Programme and guest-researcher at Center for Gender Research, UiO. Pettersen has been teaching philosophy at UiO since 1990. She has initiated, established and thought three philosophy courses at her department, FIL2202 (Gender and Philosophy), FIL4351 (Feminist Ethics) and FIL4355S (Care and Conflicts). She often gives guest lectures and seminars at other institutions, both nationally and internationally, has frequently been interviewed in the media, and has appeared on national television and radio on several occasions.

En liste over ting han sa/Notes on Frailty, 19. - 21. oktober 2018