Workshop med Sonya Lindfors

Sonya Lindfors

Den finske koreografen og kunstneriske lederen Sonya Lindfors er en allsidig scenekunstner med erfaring fra musikaler, street dance, kommeriselle musikkvideoer, samtidsdans og teater, og er initiativtaker og leder for festivalen UrbanApa i Helsinki. I dag fokuserer hun mest på eget arbeid i det kontemporære scenekunstfeltet. Dansens Hus har gleden av å invitere alle interesserte til workshop med Lindfors  

Søndag 10. juni 12.00 – 15.00 - på Dansens Hus

Påmelding til

Her er litt om bakgrunnen for workshopen:

DECOLONIZING THE STAGE / power and change

Who gets to represent neutrality or humanity?
How is otherness constructed?
Why is cultural appropriation an issue?
Is it possible to work nonhierarchically in an hierarchical environment?

During the workshop we will investigate power mechanisms taking place both on the stage and in the field of art from the point of view of intersectional feminism and decolonial discourse. The aim is to provide means to question, analyze and shake current structures and to receive concrete tools to work in a changing, diverse world.

Sonya Lindfors (1985)
is a choreographer and artistic director living in Helsinki (FI). Since 2001 she has worked as a freelancer in the Finnish arts field. In 2013 she received a MA in choreography from the Theater Academy of Helsinki (FI). At the moment she focuses on her own artistic work in contemporary dance and theater. She is also the founder and artistic director of the UrbanApa - arts platform ( In all her work Lindfurs pursues to shake and challenge existing power structures, penetrate the society and empower the community. During the season 2017/2018 she is house choreographer at Zodiak - Center for New Dance (FI). Spring 2017 Lindfors was awarded Artist of the year by the Helsinki municipality.