Workshop Kidd Pivot

I anledning forestillingen Betroffenheit med Electric Company Theatre og Kidd Pivot holder vi workshop 28. mai kl 15.00-16.30.

Betroffenheit 17072015 090 Photo Michael Slobodian
Maretittliknende scener utspiller seg i Betroffenheit der Jonathon Young selv spiller - Foto: Michael Slobodian

Workshoppen vil gi en innføring i Kidd Pivots metode og verktøy, og holdes av Tiffany Tregarthen og David Raymond.
For å delta må du være profesjonell danser eller i sisteårsstudent. Workshoppen er gratis så fremt man har billett til forestillingen.


Kidd Pivot – Workshop based on Kidd Pivot tools and methodology

Kidd Pivot's improvisation class focuses on discovering and revealing articulations and timings in the body. The class begins with a warm-up as participants articulate deeply through the body in stages, starting from the spine and working towards the extremities. Participants work at their own pace, exploring kinetic relationships both within their own bodies and to the space around them. The class is explorative and non-performative: its focus is on the play between analysis and instinct, and the use of improvisation both as a tool and an experience.