Simon & Garfunkel Blues

Kate Pendry is not only an acclaimed artist, she has also stared in Alans America trilogy in a double digit number of different roles and characters. Now she´s ready for the final chapter.

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Daniel Proietto and Kate Pendry from a scene in America Ep. 3, Super Amateur

Describe Alan as a director.
He is a brilliant man, with a beautiful mind, and all the challenges that go with that. His vision for each show sometimes does not reveal itself until late in the process, so there is a lot of trust involved with working as a winter guest. Alan is one of the great theatricals, a great theatre maker, but he is originally a choreographer. As a non dancer I often feel bad that I don't have the quickness of mind or feet that dancers have, and that might serve his process best. You learn a lot about the craft working with Alan ... but you have to bring stuff to the table. He doesn't puppeteer us.

How many characters do you actually play in this piece?
At last count it was in double digits, but it's reductive to count characters! America Ep. 3 works on far more complex levels than that.

What is that like?
It is hard work, you want every character you play to have integrity, even if they only appear for a few seconds. Let's just say I do have an inner story arc that I follow ... you know, everything's connected. But honestly, as someone who has suffered from mental illness, I am not unfamiliar with how humans can be fractured into many parts, just to survive. Bit like Lord Voldemort ...

Favourite character in America 3?
I love them all.

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You have had quite a career, tell us about your highs and lows. Had?? I would hope that there is still a few years left in me, is it not? But as Judy Garland says in the show: ... one is either a great success or a horrible down and out failure ... I sometimes think it has all been a bit stressful ... and you get to an age where you wonder what it was all for. I won an award once. That was a high. And got some nasty threats by men I had never met. ... more than once. Those were lows..

We hear that an biography is soon to be launched. Tell us more! Crikey. Well the internet will yield that information, but in a nutshell: For the last five years journalist/writer Marie Laland Ekeli has been researching and writing a book about me and my art. It will be released 7th September, published by Transit Forlag. It is called Demonologi: Kate Pendrys liv og verk.

Three songs that would make the perfect soundtrack for those going to see America 3?
Anything by Simon and Garfunkel.