The Pretty Things, 20. - 22. September

The Pretty Things,
20. - 22. September

Rhythmic, intense and hypnotic.

  • Duration55 min
  • Price360
  • StageMain stage

Five bodies move to the rhythm of the metronome. Their mechanical movements resume, the machine heats up and demands impeccable rigor from them. As her artistic language matures, choreographer Catherine Gaudet sets out in search of a space beneath the bodies where desires can be reborn despite the weight of constraint.

Behind the innocuous appearance of this systematically traced collective score, there's a whiff of cheap varnish that will eventually crack. In tune with the contradictory pulsations of his time, Gaudet surrounds himself with his faithful accomplices to explore the pretense of the spectacular apparatus. After a while, repetition becomes the troublesome agent of performers turned instrumentalists. It makes the valve hiss, allowing the excess steam of salty bodies to escape. De-pression is the flip side of grandiosity. Here, the risk of a lapse in taste is very real, but necessary to maintain the balance.

Background material

  • PM h 24 1

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  • A creation by

    Catherine Gaudet

  • Performers at creation

    Caroline Gravel
    Francis Ducharme
    James Phillips
    Scott McCabe

  • Music

    Antoine Berthiaume

  • Assistant dramaturge and rehearsal director

    Sophie Michaud

  • Lighting design

    Hugo Dalphond

  • Costume design

    Marilène Bastien

  • Production

    Compagnie Catherine Gaudet

The performance is presented in cooperation with ULTIMA Oslo Contemporary Music Festival.

Co-production: Festival TransAmériques, Agora de la danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen, Réseau CanDance (Toronto), Centre national des Arts (Ottawa), Harbourfront Center (Toronto), DLD-Daniel Léveillé Danse
Creative residencies:
DLD - Daniel Léveillé Danse, Agora de la danse
DLD - Daniel Léveillé Danse
Catherine Gaudet is a member of Circuit-Est center de chorégraphie (Montreal)

  • Tilgjengelighetsmerket No Text original black
  • Ultima logo 2021