Requiem pour L, 08. - 09. April 2019

Requiem pour L,
08. - 09. April 2019

Mozart’s Requiem as you have never heard it before. A requiem, but at the same time an uplifting celebration of life.

  • Duration100 min
  • Price150 - 400
  • StageMain stage

Dates & times

  • 08. April - 17:00
  • 09. April - 17:00

Background material

  • Dantapsis

    Dødens historie

    Todos somos calaveras. Vi er alle skjeletter. Sitatet tilskrives den meksikanske avistegneren og illustratøren José Guadalupe Posada. På begynnelsen av 1900-tallet laget han en illustrasjon som skulle akkompagnere en kommentar om Día de los Muertos, de dødes dag, som finner sted 1. og 2. november hvert år.

  • 34 Requiem Pour L  Chris Van Der Burght 29

    En teatral dødsmesse

    Requiem pour L av det belgiske kompaniet Les ballets C de la B er det nyeste samarbeidet mellom regissør Alain Platel og komponist Fabrizio Cassol, og er like mye en konsert som en danseforestilling. Fjorten musikere fra hele verden samler seg rundt Mozarts berømte verk Requiem in D minor.Ledet av Cassol lar de seg influere av både afrikanske rytmer, jazz og opera.


  • Direction

    Alain Platel

  • Music

    Fabrizio Cassol etter Mozarts Requiem

  • Conductor

    Rodriguez Vangama

  • With and by

    Rodriguez Vangama (gitar og elektrisk bass)
    Boule Mpanya
    Fredy Massamba
    Russell Tshiebua (vokal)
    Nobulumko Mngxekeza
    Owen Metsileng
    Maribeth Diggle (lyrisk vokal)
    Joao Barradas/Charles Kieny (accordion)
    Kojack Kossakamvwe (elektrisk gitar)
    Niels Van Heertum (euphonium)
    Bouton Kalanda
    Erick Ngoya
    Silva Makengo (likembe)
    Michel Seba (perkusjon)

  • Dramaturgy

    Hildegard De Vuyst

  • Musical assistant

    Maribeth Diggle

  • Choreographic assistant

    Quan Bui Ngoc

  • Video

    Simon Van Rompay

  • Camera

    Natan Rosseel

  • Set design

    Alain Platel

  • Set realized by

    Wim Van de Cappelle i samarbeid med scenography atelier NTGent

  • Light design

    Carlo Bourguignon

  • Sound design

    Carlo Thompson
    Guillaume Desmet

  • Costume design

    Dorine Demuynck

  • Stage manager

    Wim Van de Cappelle

  • Photography

    Chris Van der Burght

  • Production managers

    Katrien Van Gysegem
    Valerie Desmet

  • Direction assistant and tour manager

    Steve De Schepper

  • Trainee performing arts

    Lisaboa Houbrechts

  • Trainee theatre engeneering

    Ijf Boullet

Thanks to Isnelle da Silveira, Filip De Boeck, Barbara Raes, Griet Callewaert, atelier NTGent, Mevrouw S.P., Juffrouw A.C., Fondation Camargo (Cassis, France), Sylvain Cambreling.
We are sincerely grateful to L. and her family for their exceptional candour, their deep trust and the unique support to this special project.
In dialogue with dr. Marc Cosyns
Production: les ballets C de la B, Festival de Marseille, Berliner Festspiele
Coproduction: Opéra de Lille (FR), Théâtre National de Chaillot Paris (FR), Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg (LU), Onassis Cultural Centre Athens (GR), TorinoDanza (IT), Aperto Festival/Fondazione I Teatri – Reggio Emilia (IT), Kampnagel Hamburg (DE), Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele (DE), Festspielhaus St. Pölten (AT), L’Arsenal Metz (FR), Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain – Bayonne (FR), La Ville de Marseille (FR)
Distribution: Frans Brood Productions

les ballets C de la B is supported by the Flemish authorities, City of Ghent, Province East Flan- ders, North Sea Port and the Belgian Taxshelter.

Requiem pour L. is a production of les ballets c de la b, Festival de Marseilles & Berliner Festspiele/Fabricio Cassol & Alain Platel.

The performance in Oslo is supported by
Flanders State of the Arts.