Carcaça, 03. - 05. May

03. - 05. May

Urban moves and folkloric inspiration.

  • Duration70 min
  • Price360
  • StageMain stage

Dates & times

The pace literally picks up when the ten dancers in Carcaça throw themselves into the energetic and intricate footwork of Marco da Silva Ferreiras’ choreography. A hybrid dance style, in which urban forms of dance connect to folkloric dance traditions, pulls you into an energetic, rhythmic and intense dance experience. The dancers’ bodies unite in a vibrant, intuitive and carnivalesque wave of movement.

Musically, the dancers are accompanied by drums played by João Pais Filipe and electronic music by Luís Pestana, a soundtrack which runs through the production and brings in references from traditional, postmodern and club music. Carcaça (which means corpse or skeleton in Portuguese) is a production anchored in the present and focused on the future with its roots in the past.

Smoke is used on stage in this performance.

Background material

  • PM h 24 1

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  • Artistic direction and choreography

    Marco da Silva Ferreira

  • Artistic assistance

    Catarina Miranda

  • Performers

    André Garcia
    Fábio Krayze
    Leo Ramos
    Marc Oliveras Casas
    Marco da Silva Ferreira
    Maria Antunes
    Max Makowski
    Mélanie Ferreira
    Nelson Teunis
    Nala Revlon

  • Light design

    Cárin Geada

  • Sound and technical direction

    João Monteiro

  • Music

    João Pais Filipe (perkusjon)
    Luís Pestana (elektronisk musikk)

  • Costumes

    Aleksandra Protic

  • Scenograohy

    Emanuel Santos

  • Antropological studies

    Teresa Fradique

  • Folclore dances

    Joana Lopes

  • Production direction

    Mafalda Bastos

  • Production

    Joana Costa Santos
    Mafalda Bastos

  • Production structure

    Pensamento Avulso

  • Diffusion


  • Translation lyrics from Portuguese to Norwegian

    Ellen Stokland

Co-production: Teatro Municipal do Porto, Centro Cultural de Belém, Big Pulse Dance Alliance, co- produced by New Baltic Dance (Lithuania), Julidans (The Netherlands), Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Germany), Dublin Dance Festival (Ireland) and ONE Dance Week (Bulgaria), co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie, La briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de Marne, Maison des arts de Créteil, KLAP- Maison pour la danse, CCN-Ballet National de Marseille, Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie - Bruxelles, December Dance (Concertgebouw and Cultuurcentrum Brugge), La rose des vents – scène nationale Lille Métropole – Villeneuve d’Ascq, TANDEM Scène Nationale Arras-Douai
República Portuguesa – Cultura, DGARTES – Direção Geral das Artes
Artistic Residencies:
A Oficina, Ballet National de Marseille, Escola Superior de Dança, O Espaço do Tempo, Teatro Municipal do Porto

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