Workshop: Sigrid Kopperdal x PRODA

The workshop is based on material from the performance Bøler Samvirkelag Music, by the dance collective Bøler Samvirkelag and choreographer Jonathan Burrows and composer Matteo Fargion.
The work is a celebration of doing things together, and is based on Burrows and Fargion's many years of working with dance as music. Through encounters, collisions and harmonies, we will work to create hitherto unknown realities, approaching dance and music as joint action.
Location: PRODA Profesjonell dansetrening – Marstrand gata 8. 0566 Oslo.
Date: 06.02.25
Time: 10:00-12:00
For: Professional dance artists
The workshop is free
Sigrid Hirsch Kopperdal (b.1985), is a contemporary dancer educated at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (BA in modern and contemporary dance), and at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance. Sigrid works with choreographers such as Rosalind Goldberg, Magnus Myhr, Kristin Helgebostad and Ingri Fiksdal, and has also been involved in the work of set designers Fredrik Floen and Signe Becker. She has worked with the production unit Landing since 2014, and has been involved in a number of their productions, such as Floating Landscape, Safarium and Ruve. In addition, she is a member of the performer-driven company Bøler samvirkelag, and helps to run Mind the gap - a performance arena for dance in process. She has received the state artist grant three times.