Tormod Midtbø: Monstrosities

Foto Tale Hendnes Dansens Hus 2022 8

Six dance artists meet in Monstrosities in a transitory body; they mate, devour and cast off each others’ bodies in the hope of provoking synaesthetic impressions and getting a better grasp of the horrors and desires represented by that which is monstrous. Is the monster’s threat – the ambiguous, the inappropriate, the eternally transformational, the unified and the different – also its promise? Can our cultures’ monsters serve as an analytical framework and bring out physical methods that challenge that challenge our understanding of the past and perhaps open the way for more promising futures?

Choreograper: Tormod Midtbø
Performers: Andrea Sørlie Barrett, Anna-Benedicte Andresen, Ian Yves Ancheta, Sarah Louise Fisher Luckow, Vivian Pakkanen, Victor Amel Olivares Pedersen and Vilja Kwasny.
Composer: Marte Røyeng
Advisor: Ingrid Berger Myhre

Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd
Co-produced by: Nagelhus Schia Productions