Hovedscenen skra


Dansens Hus offers rehearsal space.

Foto: Tanguy Nédélec

    Dansens Hus offers dance artist reciting in Norway free access to rehearsals with or without technical assistance. Priority is given to artist that are not already co-produced or curated into our program.

    We have to stages, Hovedscenen (The main stage) and the smaller Studioscenen. The spaces are in use most of the time as we present between 40 and 45 productions a year. However there are som gaps where the stages are availeable, and these are the time slots we want to offer to artists for rehearsals.

    We facilitate rehearsals in two different ways:
    1. Rehersal room (Hovedscenen or Studioscenen) with marleys and access to simple sound system (no other technique or technical staff).
    2. Rehersal (Hovedscenen eller Studioscenen) with marleys where we offer simple technical needs and assistance in agreement with the artists.

    Availeable dates

    How to apply:
    Send us a short synopsis of maximum one A4 page stating preferred dates and venues and a short CV of maximum one A4 page. Please send this in PDF format to Margrethe Rylander (margrethe@dansenshus.com). 
    Deadline: Monday June 17th at 13.00.